Work Environment and Safety concerns the affectable factors on a workplace. These can be biological, physical, mental or social factors, that affect the mood on individual and collective level. The participant will be made aware of relevant laws as well as the Danish Work Environment Control.
The course contains
Material: 20 pages
Single Choice 29 exercises
Multi Choice 30 exercises
Puzzle Picture 14 exercises
Puzzle Text 46 exercises
Anslået tidsforbrug:
Level 1: 2 days
Level 2: 1 day
Level 3: ½ day
In addition to introducing the participant to the Working Environment Act and the associated formalities and regulations, the participant is qualified to handle tasks related to occupational health and well-being in the workplace.
For us, it is important that the participant gains an understanding of what constitutes a good working environment. This includes aspects of safety so that employees can work confidently without fear of accidents, and preventive measures against injuries and wear and tear. The course addresses how to avoid workplace accidents, such as the correct use of protective equipment and handling of cleaning agents and chemicals, as well as the importance of providing employees with the necessary training and instruction. The course also focuses on the daily well-being and mental working environment of employees, with a greater emphasis in today’s context, where some workplaces make significant efforts to prevent bullying, discrimination, or sexual harassment by implementing, for example, an anti-bullying policy.
For us, it is crucial that our participants understand that having rules for a good working environment is an integral and important part of a Danish workplace and the Danish labor market model. Therefore, most Danish workplaces have an employee-elected union representative and a workplace safety representative, just as larger workplaces have a workplace safety committee.
For most Danish employees, this is something they are familiar with and perceive as a natural part of everyday life in a workplace.
This is not a given among participants with a non-Western immigrant background who lack work experience and have little or no knowledge of how the Danish labor market operates. Therefore, the course is relevant to our target group of participants.